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your contractor


Carlos Vicente, owner and operator of Carolina Quality Roofing is an entrepreneur who holds value in the trade he has put many hours into over the past 11 years. It is through great mentor-ship and experience that Carlos has been able to see the need for quality roofing in areas that are close and afar.


Carolina Quality Roofing is set apart by other businesses alike through high quality workmanship, craftsmanship, and artistry that is obtained by the years experience brings forth.


It is Carolina Quality Roofing's goal to provide quality work to ensure the sole purpose of the material that has been made and chosen is used in the manner it was created for. A job done right.


It is with high hopes and a dream that we of Carolina Quality Roofing will in the future, be able to give back to the communities that support us.


The roofing team at Carolina Quality Roofing consists of family. Everyone is highly skilled in the roofing trade. Everyday on the job for our team is like a reunion. Everyone enjoys each others company! You will likely see the guys laughing quite a bit. The knowledge of each individual person is utilized to ensure quality work is provided. We are stronger together and love the work that we do together.  

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